Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
This Unit of Work provides 3 linked lesson plans that guide teaching of skills and techniques associated with colour. Each lesson plan is broken down into how the work will be assessed, the structure of the lesson, cross curricular links and resources required. Also included for each lesson is a photocopiable information sheet for students, which is written in a student friendly manner.
This Unit of Work is suitable for Key Stage 3 students.
This Unit of Work provides 4 linked lesson plans that guide teaching of skills and techniques associated with colour and abstraction. Each lesson plan is broken down into how the work will be assessed, the structure of the lesson, cross curricular links, homework and resources required. Also included for each lesson is a photocopiable information sheet for students, which is written in a student friendly manner.
This resource is ideal for Key Stage 3 students.
This Unit of Work provides 3 linked lesson plans that guide teaching of skills and techniques associated with dramatic landscapes. Each lesson plan is broken down into how the work will be assessed, the structure of the lesson, cross curricular links, homework and resources required. Also included for each lesson is a photocopiable information sheet for students, which is written in a student friendly manner.
This resource is ideal for Key Stage 3 students.
This Unit of Work provides 2 linked lesson plans that guide teaching of skills and techniques associated with abstract landscapes. Each lesson plan is broken down into how the work will be assessed, the structure of the lesson, cross curricular links, homework and resources required. Also included for each lesson is a photocopiable information sheet for students, which is written in a student friendly manner.
The unit links observational drawing with aerial images and the artwork of Hundertwasser and Hockney.
This resource is ideal for Key Stage 3 students.
This resource comprises a slide show of images of rust and corrosion, offering inspiration for Art students of all ages. The textural qualities of the images could potentially provide a starting point for media experimentation.
This resource is equally suitable as a cross curricular tool, offering a visual reference for science students. It can be used in conjunction with other Art resources by Mael Matthews on TES.
Halloween's on the way. This visual resource provides 26 spooky grayscale images which can be used as inspiration for creative writing or artwork. The images have been provided in grayscale to allow them to be photocopied. Students can then use the image as a guide, adding color to the image using paint or pastel.
These images are spooky, but not too scary! So would be suitable for use with all ages.
Happy Halloween!
It's nearly Halloween! And with that in mind, this slideshow provides 24 photographs of monsters all around us. Gargoyles on churches, statues in parks, toys, sculptures, graffiti ... they're everywhere!
This resource could provide an inspirational starting point for Halloween themed creative writing exercises, or support children in the development of their artwork, or simply be a fun activity for free class time.
Happy Halloween!
A step by step guide for students, leading them through the development of a GCSE Art sketchbook. This resource focusses on covering the Assessment Objectives and helps students see how their work can evolve. An invaluable resource for all students, but in particular, lower achieving candidates. This resource also provides a step by step approach to GCSE Art for teachers - ideal for new teachers.
A photocopiable resource with over 30 instructional slides. The Theme for this guide is "Natural Forms"
This resource provides visual inspiration for the development of seascape paintings. A wide range of photographs show the textures, colours and movement of rough seas. The slideshow then shows a range of paintings produced using a variety of techniques. each painting includes an explanation of how it was produced. All paintings were produced by the author, Mael Matthews.
This resource could provide inspiration for students of all ages. The main message is that where painting is concerned, the only rule is that there are no rules!
The resource also includes Mael's Twitter handle and he is happy to answer all direct questions about the paintings in this resource.
Happy painting!
The resource provides students with a step by step guide to developing an effective sketchbook that covers the Assessment Objectives of the NEW AS Art specification. Also included is a slideshow of images of natural textures and a mind-map that leads students through the Art and Design process .
Emphasis is placed on observational studies, analysis of the work of artists and crafts-people, exploration of materials and processes and the development of ideas through informed decision making and making links between areas of research. The book can also be used by teachers, helping to structure their teaching.
The book can be used in a very literal sense with lower attaining students, or as a scaffolding structure for higher attaining students. Suitable for coverage of both the Art, Craft and Design, and the Fine Art endorsements.
This resource has been developed by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Subject and Senior A level Art moderator.
This resource provides visual inspiration for the development of seascape paintings. A wide range of photographs show the textures, colours and movement of rough seas. The slideshow then shows a range of paintings produced using a variety of techniques. each painting includes an explanation of how it was produced. All paintings were produced by the author, Mael Matthews.
This resource could provide inspiration for students of all ages. The main message is that where painting is concerned, the only rule is that there are no rules!
The resource also includes Mael's Twitter handle and he is happy to answer all direct questions about the paintings in this resource.
Happy painting!
This resource provides 20 high quality images associated with Autumn. Falling leaves, rich colours and inspirational views. An ideal resource to support creative writing, art projects and lessons on the seasons of the year with Primary aged children.
Celebrate Bonfire Night with this colouring book. This resource provides 25 photocopiable images of fireworks for colouring. Each image also has a clear reminder to be safe on the 5th of November.
A fun activity which can be used to remind children to enjoy Bonfire Night but also to take care.
Happy Bonfire Night from Start Art Resources.
This book provides a step by step art project for Primary aged students. The focus is "The Natural World". Children are guided through the development of drawings and paintings based on natural objects. A range of artwork by recognised artists is also introduced to students.
The resource can provide a structure for 6 to 8 individual art lessons. It also allows for modification by the teacher to suit the particular group.
This Primary Art resource has been developed by Start Creative Resources
This concise, student friendly resource provides a catalogue of notable artists, movements, dates and periods in a table format for easy reference.
A useful printable resource for Art students of all ages.
The resource provides students with a step by step guide to developing an effective sketchbook that covers the Assessment Objectives of the NEW AS and A level Art specification. Also included is a slideshow of images of natural textures and a mind-map that leads students through the Art and Design process .
Emphasis is placed on observational studies, analysis of the work of artists and crafts-people, exploration of materials and processes and the development of ideas through informed decision making and making links between areas of research. The book can also be used by teachers, helping to structure their teaching.
The book can be used in a very literal sense with lower attaining students, or as a scaffolding structure for higher attaining students. Suitable for coverage of both the Art, Craft and Design, and the Fine Art endorsements.
This resource has been developed by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Subject and Senior A level Art moderator.
This book provides a step by step art project for junior aged students. A Growth Mindset is encouraged through challenging tasks that encourage a love of learning. The focus is "The Natural World". Children are guided through the development of drawings and paintings based on natural objects. A range of artwork by recognised artists is also introduced to students. Suitable for children aged 6 to 10.
The resource can provide a structure for 6 to 8 individual art lessons. It also allows for modification by the teacher to suit the particular group.
This Junior Art resource has been developed by Start Creative Resources
35 Christmas images for the festive season. Fully copiable and editable for insertion into your own documents. Suitable for all ages. Merry Christmas from Start Creative Resources.
This resource provides Secondary school students with guidance for analysing artwork. The structured approach encourages students to stretch their understanding and therefore develop a growth mindset.
This resource can be used in conjunction with other resources from Start Creative Resources.
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GCSE Art students will be receiving the External Task sheets in January. This is an important, intensive period of the course, with the task accounting for 40% of their overall mark.
These support documents provide the student and teacher with a structured guide to developing preparatory work that fully addresses the Assessment Objectives. A schedule shows the nature and timing of work between January and early April (The controlled assessment usually takes place in late April or early May.)
Also included is a prompt sheet for analysing artwork and a step by step guide to developing a GCSE sketchbook. The theme of the sketchbook guide is "natural forms", but it can be adapted by the teacher or student to fit any question.
....... and finally, a collection of original photographs of plants which you and your students are free to copy, edit and use. The images might prove very useful to those students who struggle to collect their own images.
The support document and the step by step sketchbook guide are provided as PDFs, but also Word / Powerpoint documents so that they can be fully edited to suit the specific needs of the school.
Visit our shop at for over 300 more creative resources, including photographic images for most topic areas.
Good luck to students and teachers. Please remember to leave feedback. We value your comments.